Pick Up That Poo!
I remember when I finished The Lakes College Fun Run last year, a gentleman came up to me and congratulated me for picking up Guinness’s poo during the race. I thought that was really nice of him. I have a major issue with people who leave dog poo around, and I’m a dog owner. It must be even less popular with those who aren’t into dogs.
There is nothing worse than scrubbing dog poo from between the ridges on the soles of your running shoes! But that’s the least of your worries. Dog poo can be a source of illness. It can be a source of tapeworm infection in people, which can cause blindness and brain damage. It may also harbour hookworm larvae which are also not very pleasant if we should become infected. Dog poo may also spread infections such as Giardia.
It is estimated that over 4 million tons of dog poo makes its way into America’s waterways each year. This is not good for the environment!
When you lace up your running shoes and grab your dog’s lead, pop a few small plastic bags in your pocket. If your dog has a poo, pick it up and put it in the next bin. This will not only be good for the environment but if people notice dog owners being responsible, dogs may be more welcome in the community.
I am a diligent poop picker upper! I have also had people comment when they see me pick up after my dogs, especially on the main street in my town.
I have had the unpleasant experience in stepping an dog poop at the Wiggle Waggle Walkathon (5K walk to raise $$ for the Humane Society) and I was not impressed at all.
Poop left behind also poses a risk to our dogs, they can catch nasty parasites
It is awful! My friend Le-Anne has a habit of stepping in poop that is smack in the middle of the path, so easy to see but she still steps right in the middle of it 🙂